curriculum tamhidi



Subject Academic

We provide the basic academic subject such as Bahasa Melayu, English, Mathematics and Science that focused on reading, writing and counting

Islamic education

We teach the students about Al-Quran, Hadith and encourage them to memorize basic hadith and Surah

Arabic Language

We teach and engage students to communicate using Arabic language.

Islamic Values

Tarbiyyah (Aqidah, Akhlak, Ibadah dan Sirah)


Every friday are meant for activities that can enhance students' skills. Be it gross and fine motor skills, interpersonal and soft skills as well as discovering new talents

In ensuring the students get to experience a holistic learning experience, we chose the best teaching and learning method for them. Which are:

  • The concept of playing and learning
  • Project and theme-based learning
  • Storytelling and repetition for Al-Quran and Hadith
  • Workbook and paperwork
  • Audio and video based learning, and
  • Role play and daily communication

From the teaching and learning, we would expect that the students may benefit from it, such as: 

  • Eagerness and enthusiasm in seeking knowledge
  • Strong sense of Islamic identity
  • Strength and self-resilience
  • Confident and involved learners
  • Rational thinking
  • Effective communicators, and
  • Practicing Islamic ethics

In assessing the students, we consider the Early Childhood Assessment that is composed of three essential, interrelated components:

  • Documentation (data collection)
  • Evaluation (comparison to a standard)
  • Communication with family (sharing both progress and performance)

This is to ensure that we make the comprehsive assessment towards the students. 

More information on:

Teaching and learning

online and distance learning (odl) during movement control order (mco/pkp)

the movement control order made by the government did not put a stop to our spirit in educating your children. We have come up with a new and better system whereby students and parents can benefit more from it. 

Each parents has been given a username and password to log in to student portal via email beforehand.

Parents can log in to student portal to get Access to:
• Study Materials (Lessons, worksheets in PDF)
• Class Timetable
• Live Classes (To get direct Zoom link for the lessons)
• Fee Invoices
• Payment History

Teaching and learning during this time is by having online -personal coaching- class using the application of Zoom. 

  1. Every student will have 4 class every week (Monday to Thursday)
  2. Time for every class is 15 minutes
  3. Class will be conducted individually (one student with teacher)

What more we do


We encourage our children to participate in physical activity to help their muscles development, staying healthy as well as equipped them with the art of self-defense. 

This activity is being held twice a month on Tuesday at 4:30pm until 6:30 pm.



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