بِناءُ الإِنسَانِ أصلُ العُمرانِ
أَكَادِيمِيَّةُ الفَصَاحَةِ
أَكَادِيمِيَّةُ الفَصَاحَةِ لِتَعلِيمِ اللُّغَةِ العَرَبِيَّةِ
لِتَعلِيمِ اللُّغَةِ العَرَبِيَّةِ
Involves creating an Islamic and Arabic environment that encourages learning (Bahasa Melayu, Mathematics, Science) and using different languages (Arabic and English) among children, memorizing and reciting Al-Quran, as well as providing opportunity to grow their social, emotional, and cognitive skills
“إنّها رِسَالَة وليسَت تِجَارَة“

Islamic Environment
The environment that we created for the children is based on the Islamic environment where we encourage students in learning, reciting and memorizing Al-Quran and Hadith

Arabic Languange
“Learning Quran Language (Arabic) at an early age is one way for children to understand Islam deeper”
We include Arabic language in daily conversations with the students

An interactive environment that combines play and learning “Learning through playing” to make children happy.
- Arabic, Bahasa Melayu, Mathematics, Science, English
- Akhlak, Ibadah, Sirah, Al– Quran & Tafsir, Hadith
- Interpersonal skills, Discover Talent, Monthly trip
- Minatul Rahman (Reading Quraan)
- العربيّة بين يدي أولادنا (Arabic for Communication)
- Phonetic Reading style for Bahasa Melayu & English (Bacalah Anakku & Read Easy)
- Story Telling Hifz
We have four focus point that we always highlight in developing any programs or games for the students
- Know all types of emergency aids and how to use them.
- Provide training to students and staffs on all emergency equipment and its use if required.
- Nurture cooperation between students and learn to take care of themselves and friends. Always be Thankful to Allah for the blessings of health and safety.
- Understand and memorize the prayers, and verses of the Quran. Know the pillars of Islam and the pillars of Iman.
- Using dhikr and prayer and practicing it in its place.
- Love towards Allah and reliance on Him at all times and circumstances. Feel the help of Allah and ask for help only from Him.
- Provide basic understanding to children to form mature thinking methods.
- Teach basic methods or skills to memorize and learn without needing much help.
- Sowing a love of knowledge and a desire to learn happily.
- Know the importance of each knowledge and its benefits.
- Exploring a child’s self-skills or interests through different situations.
- Believe and be confident in yourself in the face of challenges.
Our academy is equipped with necessary facilities to ensure the safety, security as well as the comfort of our students and staff
Complete set of teaching aids
Whiteboards, marker pen, pencils as well as colored pencils and other necessary tools and pristine classes
Student Portal
Use to track attendance, student activity reports, access homework, worksheets, announcements, payment receipts, and more..
To ensure the kids safety and avoid physical fighting among them
Grilled Door
To prevent from kids running outside
Air-condition, fans, shower, and comforter for napping
Play Mat
The students will keep the tiny feet comfortable as they walk and play
All our staff are qualified and well- trained
Each teachers and caretakers have and will take the required courses and workshop to take care of the students
Parents entrust us in taking care of their children, we take full responsibility of it and to ensure we provide the best for them, communication with parents are vital
A Periodic Activity Report
A detailed report is written for each student after conducting personal interviews with him to determine the level of his academic, behavior and skills
Parents Teacher Meeting
The parents teacher meeting will be held from time to time to report back to parents on their child’s progress
Whatsapp Group
To give out details and update on TAMHIDI and your kids
Parents Feedback
At Tamhidi Al Fasoha, we take a great care in improving our services by valuing our parents’ feedback

Saya melihat perubahan anak saya dari tak suka pergi sekolah kepada suka ke sekolah. Setiap hari anak saya penuh motivasi nak ke sekolah. Anak saya dah mula pandai baca doa, suruh saya bawa makanan dekat orang yang susah, cepat meminta maaf, bertanggungjawab, berkongsi mainan dengan abang.. banyaklah perubahan positif anak saya. Perubahan ini membuatkan saya rasa menyesal tak hantar awal-awal ke Tamhidi ni. Tak lama lagi dah nak naik darjah 1. Kalau tamhidi ni ada darjah 1, sudah tentu saya tak mau hantar tempat lain, haha.

The best kindergarten for children which exposed to Islamic and Arabic environments. Nowadays, student standard 1 already learn Arabic in primary school. So, this is the best and suitable kindergarten for the children as they already learn Arabic at Al Fasoha. The concept of learning is very fun, they learn and play, they are also exposed to various experiments

Anak sangat gembira setiap kali ke sekolah dan rajin bercerita keseronokan di sekolah. Banyak peningkatan dari segi vocab bahasa arab, hafazan surah lazim, tahu hukum tajwid ringkas. Sebelum tidur sentiasa baca doa dan ayat kursi serta doa untuk diri, ibu bapa serta umat Islam. Terima kasih guru guru Tamhidi Al Fasoha 🙂

Saya melihat perubahan anak saya dari tak suka pergi sekolah kepada suka ke sekolah. Setiap hari anak saya penuh motivasi nak ke sekolah. Senang nak mandikan, senang nak urus berbanding tadika sebelum ini. Anak saya dah mula pandai baca doa, suruh saya bawa makanan dekat orang yang susah, cepat minta maaf, bertanggungjawab, berkongsi mainan dengan abang..banyakla perubahan positif anak saya.

Perubahan ini membuatkan saya rasa menyesal tak hantar awal2 ke Tamhidi ni. Tak lama lagi dah nak naik darjah 1..kalau lah tamhidi ini ada darjah 1 sudah tentu saya tak mau hantar tempat lain. Haha..Semoga Allah merahmati tadika ini dan beri kesihatan yang baik pada semua guru-guru dan berkati amalan semua warga Tamhidi. TAHNIAH. Walaupun saya juga seorang guru tapi saya rasa tak mampu ajar macam guru2 tamhidi. Terima kasih Cikgu. TAIYIB..AIWAH..MUMTAZ.
Full Day
- 07.00 am – 05.30 pm
- Education
- Tarbiyyah
- Memorizing Al-Qur’an
- Arabic for Communication
- Interpersonal skills/ Discover Talent
- Personal Coaching
Half Day
- 07.00 am – 12.30 pm
- Education
- Tarbiyyah
- Quran recitation