Parents Teacher Meeting is a – once in a three/four month – event aims:

to have mutual communication between parents and teachers,

to brief the personality skills discovered of the children by the teacher to parents

to share parenting tips, and

to support teachers by giving good feedback.

Basically, this event is organized to report back to parents on their children development from time to time. We also wished to get more feedback from parents as to how the children are at home, so that e can improve in nurturing them at school.

Report on Parents-Teacher Meeting ( 28 March 2021)

            The event begins at 9:00 a.m. where parents registered followed by opening remarks and video presentation. At 9:55 a.m. a speech by our advisor; Sheikh Soleh Yousef, giving short tazkirah as well as sharing parenting tips. The meeting starts soon after our advisor ends his speech. Each teacher will be in charge of 7 to 8 students. Parents will meet the designated teacher to consult regarding their child’s developments and well-being. Each parent takes turn to meet the teachers. To make the event more fun, we make it to a potluck days where staffs and fellow parents contribute in bringing foods and beverages to this meeting. Thus, while the meeting room is fully occupied, other parents would enjoy the potluck.  

            Besides enjoying delightful dish and meeting the teachers, some parents participate in filming feedbacks video for Tamhidi Alfasoha. Parents are encouraged to give their feedbacks and ‘two cents’ for the betterment of our services because we at Tamhidi AlFasoha, values feedbacks from others.

            To sum up, this event has met its objectives successfully. Majority of the parents show their supports towards teachers and staff in taking care of their children’s welfare and education during school time. Tamhidi Alfasoha appreciates parents trust in us to take care of their children by providing the best services to all.

Report on Parents-Teacher online Consultation (10 July 2021)

            This is the second Parents-Teacher meeting. It was changed to online consultation due to the Restriction Movement Order (RMO) situation. The parents-teacher online consultation started at 8:45 a.m. until 4:15 p.m. All teachers gathered at Tamhidi Alfasoha for this event. Most of the teachers arrives before 8:40 a.m. and prepare for the consultation. Each parent gets 15 minutes to consult with teachers. Most of the parents had prepared questions that they want to ask the teachers while some of them had not prepared. The event runs smoothly although there is tiny mishap due to the connections which is unavoidable. Transitions from one parent to another went well as each parent took exactly 9-15 minutes of consultation time. Teachers take turn to rest and eventually there’s a break from 1:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. for Zuhur prayer. Majority of the parents are satisfied with their child’s developments as well as improvements. Targets and agreement has been made between teachers and parents on child’s future planning. (hala tuju)

            Parents have been giving good feedback for us to improve. In terms of the report, majority of the parents said that the report was comprehensive. Though one parents mentioned that there are points that are repetitive, we take notes and shall improve for our next report. For our official website, one of the parents mentioned that she amazed by the upgraded version of our website and she said it is very easy to access and very informative. There are several suggestions and request from parents where they mentioned to post articles regarding what activities good for children development that they can do at home, request to share school timetable, syllabus (which are in progress) as well as menus to be accessible on websites. On behalf of Tamhidi Alfasoha, we values parents feedback and we ensure to improve the quality of our services accordingly. This Parents-Teacher online consultation has benefited both parents and teacher for the good of the students.